Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011

Well there goes August. I figured I would write about yesterday while Eulalia goes and finds someone to clean up all the water that´s on the floor..Everytime it rains water comes in from under the door. There´s about a 1/4 inch of space betweenthe door and where some type of threshold should be. My desk is by the door and so there´s water everywhere just about everyday.

So yesterday was a good day! I arrived to work and finished putting together this huge document about the health (really safety) situation in each of the builidng at the University. So far it´s a 95 page document and we are still missing one college. Then I worked on these "fichas". I stil don´t really get what they mean in english but they are a series of documents that we are going to use to track our progess with this emergency prevention adn attention plan. I think it will be good because each document will help us to be more organized.

Eulalia and I then sat down and wrote down/she tried to remember while I wrote all the things the Bienestar has done this year! Why this wasn´t written down before I do not know but I was surprised at the things she remembered. Her son, Pepe was here because she had to take him to his new school for some tests and then they came straight here. He seems nice but was a little whiny, obviously spoiled, just like the daughter.

As they were leaving for lunch he goes "mom what´s pornography?" haha. She refused to give him a straight answer. I was tempted to pipe in but I figured it probably wouldnt be appropriate to give him the right answer, lol. I stayed at the office to eat lunch but then decided to walk around a bit and tried to take a nap outside/rest my eyes from looking at the computer all morning. It was really cold and windy yesterday so it was hard to rest. I came back and Eulalia and I worked on the Fichas.

I left at 4 to go to the gym and picked up my laundry on the way home. the old man is really nice, borderline creepy but still nice. I got to the gym and the tredmills were all not working. Typical. So I did elyptical, some weight lifting and a bunch of abs/leg workouts. It was a nice little workout. The posters at the gym are absolutely hilarious, super old school and frankly a bit ridiculous. The sad part is they are all in english thus from the states. I´ll have to take pictures and post them. 4 is a good time to go because there aren´t a lot of people. There is even a trainer that comes in at 5. He asked me if I needed help with anything but I said I was just kinda checking stuff out for today.

I went straight to the restaurant to eat afterwards. There was really nothing to eat. I had the last of the soup and put some rice with it. I left right after to shower and scrounge up whatever food I could back at home. I showered then ate some peanut butter, apple and granola with tea. Skyped with a bunch of people from home which was nice!

This afternoon Im going to Julie´s to get the gas tank so that I can cook! Now all I have to do is find a fridge that will fit in the barbie kitchen. Im also going to try to finish up the site locator form with Sharon. I have to fax it tomorrow!! In the evening I will be going to a basketball game with Kim and some of my new ecuadorian friends :)

So it´s 9:45. I arrived at 8:30 to work and the floor still isn´t cleaned up..uy yay yay. And this also is the end of my second journal. So Im also would like to start reading on my free time, whenever that is, lol. But if anyone has some good books, in spanish would be even better, for me to read I would love to compile a reading list for the next couple years!

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