Monday, June 20, 2011

June 13, 2011

Week 2! Wow time is seriously going by so fast. We started out the day with a presentation on Worldwise schools. It’s this program where a PCV and teacher are paired up to correspond/work together. The program is to help promote global awareness in the classroom. The kids have the opportunity to ask questions about the work the volunteer is doing. Curriculum can even be deigned around what part of the world a PCV is in..etc.. P.S. Nat I put hour name down, I think it would be cool to Skype or something with your kids-after all you will be teaching Spanish!!

We then had a long repetitive (literally because there was a translator) presentation on safety and security. I'm not saying more because I’ve already talked some about this and it was THE SAME stuff

In the afternoon we were in our tech groups. We talked about nutrition and then did a cooking demonstration!! We made fish, rice, lentils, salad and “patacones”, which is with platano verde, the big green banana. Then of course we got to eat it all ☺ Soooo good!

After “school” Portia and I went to switch my cell phone and flash drive internet over to my passport number because on Saturday I didn’t have it. Only come to find out we were supposed to wait a week..she then wanted to do a recarga of $3 on hers. The way the “re-charges” work is you give a number to whomever and they put the money on that flash. Well because there were 2 flash drives and 2 numbers we didn’t know which one went with which number. Alas she ended up putting the money on mine. But we worked it out so that she could use it during the day today. I was then able to Skype with Jordie and Annie last night…yay!

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