So as my service comes to an end I've been really busy these last couple days. I was able to get all my stuff out of my apartment. Just have to go pick up the gas tank. They gave me almost all the deposit back and still owe me $30.00 but I'm not going to hold my breath..
All my stuff is now in a room upstairs at Chino's house. In the meantime I've been putting things together for Mike to take, stuff that I'm going to give away and other stuff that I'll throw out. Sadly there isn't a Good Will here so I'll need to find somewhere to give it away. Chino's cousin works at an orphanage, so maybe Ill take the majority of the stuff there.
Had my birthday on Saturday. Chino prepared a surprise party for me on friday night. I had no idea! It was nice to see people. Then on saturday I went out to eat with Chloe, Shannon and Kerry. Crazy to think that I've already completed 24 years of my life and now starting the 25th!!
Went to Sandy's last night with Paige and Kim. It was kinda like a going away party/chat session. Got to see Sandy's daughter who is a couple months old and she's so adorable!!! Paige will be leaving for the States on August 1st and wont come back till the end of August, so I said goodbye to her last night. Kim will be leaving at the end of August, so I'll be able say goodbye in August.
I've packed up what I will take to Argentina. Alvaro's parents sent some stuff with me to give to Pancho, there son that lives there that I will be staying with. So that means that there will be plenty of space for me to buy some stuff :) Im hoping I can find some nice clothes that are cheap! And of course load up on alfajoresssss!!!!!!
Will be coming back with only 10 days left in Ecuador. Can not believe how fast the time hast flown by!!! Excited about starting a new job, integrating back into U.S. life and figuring out future plans :)
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