Well seeing as tomorrow is probably one of the important days of the year I thought I would write a little thanksgiving passage. I won't list all the things that I'm thankful for because that will put people to sleep, that is if anyone really reads this anymore, lol. I think this Thanksgiving will be different, for one reason because I am in another country, but for that reason I am not going to be surrounded by family or friends that I am normally with. Rather I will be with my new Ecua family/friends-along with volunteer family/friends. And just being with them makes me realize how fortunate I am to have such amazing people in my life. It also makes me think of the people back at home that I will not be sharing this holiday with but that will definitely be on my mind!
We had our "Ecua-Thanksgiving" last Sunday. It turned out pretty darn good for having limited food (pumpkins dont exist and neither do cranberries really) ovens, silverware and furniture. We had it at Kim's house and brought a bunch of stuff from Chino's place (thank god they live so close). Paige, Kim, Hannah and I were in charge of the cooking. I made stuffing, Kim made sweet potato casserole and apple pie, Paige made green bean casserole and Hannah made mashed potatoes and deviled eggs. Hannah is from argentina and so the deviled eggs were like your normal deviled eggs except with tuna, actually really good. The turkey we had prepared for us. So after spending a whopping 30 dollars just to buy the bird we ended up spending another 35 to have it prepared...the sacrifices we choose to make...lol Anyway everything turned out just lovely there were about 10 of us in total, americans and ecuadorians and we were all so full at the end! Afterwards we went to Ponce's birthday get together where we stuffed our faces with more sweets, and birthday cake. What a day!
Tomorrow I will be traveling to Guaranda for yet another Thanksgiving, this time with PCV's. The menu will be about the same. I think everyone's expectations are high because we all grew up with a great thanksgiving feast and now it's our turn to cook everything...lets hope all goes well!!!
The rest of my life continues as usual. Last week we had re-connect with our Omnibus. It was great to see everyone. Not really that great to be back at the training center and sit through long sessions but there were some good discussions and we did get some useful information and materials. Our PCVL's (peace corps volunteer leaders-those in their 3rd year) were more interactive with us and so it was great to get to know them a little bit better. My site visit is scheduled for December 1st. Bibi and Lila will be coming to check out a possible apartment (please put out good thoughts that it will pass!!!) and also to come to my work and talk about what things we are working on, challenges, etc.
I feel as though I have become more and more distant with my host family here. As some of you may know I am dating an Ecuadorian here and his family has really taken me in. I spend practically all the weekends with them and most weekday afternoons/evenings. They are so friendly and treat me like my host family should. They take me to different places on the weekend, feed me, and just love to chat and here about how my time here is going. I'll be glad when December 1st comes so that I can move out of the house that I am at and finally be on my own!
Christmas is just around the corner and for Ecuador it's practically here. Apparently people start to decorate and "get into the mood" (which quite frankly I have no idea how they can when there is NO SNOW!!) starting in November. I decorated with Chino's mom and sister the other weekend. It was so nice to be a part of decorating, kinda made me miss home a little. Still so strange for it to be sunny and warm and see christmas lights and christmas trees but Im sure by the second time around (a.k.a year two) it'll feel normal.
Alright, as always I will try and write more frequently!! The 6 month mark is rapidly approaching, I really can't believe I've been here for almost half a year! Long way to go though but Im excited for what the coming months may bring.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy thanksgiving!!!
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