Today was our Cuanto Sabes training. Not really sure if I would say I'm now completely prepared..It took us awhile to find the office because Javi got lost, lol. The office was a lot smaller than I pictured. There’s one large room then you go upstairs to Rebecca’s office and there’s a small bathroom. Next door they have the VIHDA center where they do testing and counseling.
One volunteer and an Ecuadorian did the Cuanto Sabes training. The program lasts 6 months and is a series of weekly meetings with youth. It’s a mixture of youth empowerment and training on HIV/AIDS. The training is normally 4 days long and they did it in 4 hrs! Their presentation was really well done but I still think the 3 days would be beneficial. We had a lunch break and then were expected to give our own charla to each other and then do the same charla tomorrow!! I def do not feel prepared enough.
We have to cover 4 topics in 45 minutes; what HIV/Aids are, the different characteristics, transmission and prevention. They gave us a little under an hour to prepare and lets just say the practice charla in front of each other was pretty much a disaster. I'm in a group with Portia and Kris, which is really great but their Spanish a lower so I feel like I have to carry the team because we cannot have awkward silences when giving these types of presentations. Our presentation tomorrow is with an all boy’s school but apparently some have had Cuanto Sabes before.
We were done around 5 and headed back to the hotel. Everyone is pretty frustrated because they don’t feel like their Spanish level is competent enough to relay this type of information. This information is important and any wrong word or information translated wrong could be really bad.
Kris, Portia and I worked on our project for a while and I feel a little better but it still might be rough. We’ll see what tomorrow brings!
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