Saturday, May 28, 2011

Less than a week!

In about 4 days I will be in Sunny warm Ecuador...oh wait, they are having just as crappy weather here as we are, lol.  Somehow I managed to get all my stuff packed into a big suitcase, a backpacking backpack, carry-on suitcase and regular backpack. 

Mom put together an amazing farewell party for me.  Hannah and Annie were great helpers!  Minneapolis friends were able to come along with a couple madison friends, as well as family friends.  It was a great to see people and really hard to say goodbye to everyone towards the end of the night.  As of right now we are in Redwing Minnesota having a short family vacation before the send off on wednesday.

As of right now,
I wonder:  what the weather will be like in Ecuador
                  how big my group going down the Ecuador will be, what they will be like
                  what kinda of contact i'll have with family and friends once i'm down there
..well that's just a start.  Hopefully I'll be able to update the blog frequently, and with pics!


  1. Have a safe and great trip...sure they'll love you over there...

  2. So proud of you Rachie, you are going to be great!!! I already miss you so much :( :( :( I wish I could have been there to help plan your party but I am glad to hear that it went great! LOVE YOU!
