Well it appears that I have gotten into the habbit of only writing once a month. Bad, I know. It´s not as if I don´t have time, because I think if I truly made time I could sit down every couple days and update everyone, it´s just that I don´t make that time to do so. Well, I guess I have new years resolution #1, lol. Dicember has started and is coming to an end quite quickly. Next weekend will be christmas and I have done NO shopping whatsoever..gahhh. Thanksgiving with the volunteers turned out to be a success. I can officially contribute to family gatherings now, as I have learned to make stuffing and greenbean casserole, yay! We ate A TON and then went out caroling, too much fun. Tom´s host mom was really into it too! We ended up sleeping at like 10 that night.
Other news worth sharing, I have officially moved into my new apartment!!! It is located in the neighborhood of Ciudadela EspaƱa, a quiet neighborhood with a great panaderia less than a block away. The apartment is owned by a nice old couple that live with their one daughter and two grandkids. Im in the back of the house with the dog, mora. She´s a barker but has warmed up to me and we´ve become good friends although I think I need to teach her not to jump!! The apartment is cute, one bedroom in a half, a bathroom, kitchen and living room. I dont really have furniture so the living room is pretty bare but I have a bed and that´s what is important. Chino´s family has been so great, donating practically everything that I have, helping me move, purchase things and what not. I really don´t knonw what I would do without them! The apartment is about 35 min walk to the Univ. and close to a main street where I can walk downtown or get on the bus!
Work is going well. As of right now I am super busy with the application of a survey we are doing with all of the first years on addictions and mental health. So far we have done about three colleges and have collected 400 responses. Im trying to think of ways to incorporate the goals of Peace Corps, which have to do with water usage, nutrition, and HIV/AIDS/Sex Ed. There are a ton of students around (im in a college haha)..but the hard part is getting a group of students together because people don't do extra curricular activities here. So that's my goal for the next couple months.
Alright that's enough for now. I'll write later, probably after christmas :) Hope holidays are jolly and everyone gets what they want from Santa!